Issue #10 - That's a Wrap & Our Artists' Pledge

Crowdfunding ends, and we make our pledge to do our best with what we have!


This weekend marks the close of the crowdfunding campaign, and our reach was not at all enough to get us anywhere close to our goal. But we tried. However, with a cast of 16 and a handful or two of crew added to that, our proposed budget breakdown put our asking total at about $4000 short of our projected costs to begin with.

So we were already going to be starting from a slightly disadvantaged position from the jump. Now that the campaign is wrapping and we are just over 10% of our proposed total, things will have to be adapted somewhat.

As far as our announced cast and crew, we may see that not all of them are still available or interested in the project since we will not have the proposed funds to pay them, or feed them as intended. So now we begin our period of adjustments.


But we are Whatsabudget Films. This is, unfortunately, not new territory for us to be treading. So we will pool our resources, our talents, skillsets, and cumulative passions and make the best of a bad situation. As the song and saying go.

This trajectory was not unforeseen. It was pretty easy to tell from the beginning of the campaign, that it was unlikely we were going to cross that proverbial finish line, and get to our goal funding amount.

I would be lying if I said it wasn’t disappointing, and doesn’t take more than a few jabs at the old confidence setting. But it is what it is. This is the nature of the beast and the way it sometimes bites.

We will go forward with our clearest and best of intentions and see how things shake out with the project, and our ability to pull things together on a tenth of what we were asking for/expecting (and as stated, already a bit less than what we were needing).

It will definitely hurt, knowing what all the project could have been, as we push through the coming compromises and adjust as necessary to our circumstances and limitations. However, we remain committed to making the most of the project and of this incredible opportunity we have been granted.


We cannot thank those enough who have donated. We thank them for their faith, their support and kindness! We will honor all that you have given us, and rise to the occasion as we are so accustomed to doing. It is the Whatsabudget way!

We know there will be hard decisions ahead, but we will act to show the same good faith going forward, as you all have shown and entrusted with us to get us here. For our gratitude for each and every one of you who are taking this cinematic journey alongside us.

Onward and upward.