Dear Diary #3 - Slouching Towards Completion

Our final weekend approaches, plus a "first looks" teaser of the film!


still from the teaser of the film

“There should be a term for exhaustion at the soul level.” When I wrote those words for our last short film, âme (2024), I had no idea that a few months after we released the short, that I would have an all-new, even deeper appreciation for an exhaustion I thought I knew the limits of.

My body has ached and been beyond drained for a hot minute now, even as we have taken a weekend off between shoots. Not that I, as director and producer, have been able to really take too much of that time “off,” though it was still necessary and more than a welcome break. There’s still a lot to do in the down.

Our lead actress, Erynn (pictured above), had to return to L.A. in the time between to walk for her graduation from USC (or to protest said walk, but either way, she needed to be there). And several of our other players were otherwise engaged as well. So we got a bit of a break, but we are running fast into this final weekend!


While most of the weekend’s and film’s remaining scenes are all tied to a single location (easy), we do have less help behind the scenes, including my critical and oh so talented A.D./P.M., Megan MacGrath (hard). So we are bummed she will have to be absent for our final days. And not just because that leaves A LOT of slack for us.

Mostly because she’s just ever so awesome, and she will naturally be missed. Her calm, in-charge demeanor wrapped in pleasant and kind vibes are always needed and make things seem so handled and together. So while she will be there in spirit, she’s left some mighty big shoes to fill for our final two days.

Luckey for me, I had a proverbial ace up my sleeve by way of our pinch-hitter who was waiting in the wings to be tapped and find his role on the team. The Godfather of Colorado’s Indie Film scene himself, Ralph Giordano! Ralph will be stepping up, and into this crucial role as we push towards completion of the film.


If ever I needed a rejuvenating burst of fire, to keep that passionate push going inside, it was this week. And got it I did in the form of the official teaser for the film! These “first looks” at the monumental undertaking (and monumentally gorgeous looking piece thanks to Travis and Alex among others) was all that and then some!

I was absolutely floored by the rich, moody visuals Travis was handing over. Not that I was surprised. My dude is known for getting the goods, but I just never expect anything I’ve done to look so professional and polished. But with Travis on board, he never fails to come through and elevate it all.

And as you can see from the evidence above, the man has done it again!


Because I’m SO EXCITED! Not only to debut these stunning first looks at the film, but to also return to the set this weekend and bring the project home. To get it all wrapped up and ready for post! I hope you will continue to follow along and take this journey with us as we do!

Here are some stills pulled from the teaser! To quote Travis, “Ooooh…dat grain, though…”


We wouldn’t even be at this point without the generosity and support of all of those receiving this newsletter/production diary, so thank you. From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of all of our cast and crew, you have our deepest and truest gratitude for making this project possible.

Much love to all, and to all a good day!